
Rebirth of Reason

Articles: War for Men's Minds

November 12, 2003
War for Men's Minds
Creeping Collectivism: Insufficient refutation of public safety laws
by Scott D. DeSalvo
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It seems that politicians of all levels and stripes are running for public office on platforms that include promises of more regulation, and more government infringement upon private lives and private decisions. (Read more...)
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November 10, 2003
War for Men's MindsThe Free Radical
Two Cheers for Modernity
by Roderick Long
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It is common for Objectivists to stress the superiority of Enlightenment culture over the cultural movements preceding and following it. (A reprise appearance on SoloHQ with hyperlinks.) (Read more...)
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November 5, 2003
War for Men's Minds
Hard Labour
by David Bertelsen
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Labour legislation in Europe is destroying its economies. That's bad. But the economic destruction is nothing compared to the destruction being wreaked on a more important treasure - the human spirit. (Read more...)
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October 27, 2003
War for Men's Minds
IRV: From Game Playing to Principle
by Jeff Landauer
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When I ran for the United States House of Representatives in 2002, a theme that I incorporated into all my speeches was, "Don't waste your vote" ... on the Republicans or the Democrats. To vote for either of them would be an endorsement for the status quo of continued statism and violations of individual rights, so I claimed. But the reality is in plurality, winner-take-all elections, there are generally only two styles of voting. (Read more...)
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September 24, 2003
War for Men's Minds
Criminal and Political Minds
by Tibor R. Machan
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If anything unites most criminals it is their belief that instant forceful action is best. Robbing, raping, murdering or assaulting others to get what one wants from them seems to them more effective than peaceful means to their ends. This is their form of immaturity and, as adults, their moral failing. (I am talking here about real criminals, not those made criminal by government via, for example, the blatantly unjust drug laws.) (Read more...)
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September 17, 2003
War for Men's Minds
The Bad Habit of Statism
by Tibor R. Machan
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Americans live with some pretty unusual ideas and policies and even take these for granted, actually. (Read more...)
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August 29, 2003
War for Men's Minds
The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies: Four Years and Counting
by Chris Matthew Sciabarra
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I had been working very hard to secure a copy of the ever-elusive Ayn Rand college transcript from the University of St. Petersburg, an important postscript to my historical and archival work on Rand's beginnings as explored in Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical (Penn State Press, 1995). (Read more...)
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August 27, 2003
War for Men's Minds
Help Skew Phony Poll Results in Favor of Freedom
by David M. Brown
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Today I founded a new organization called Phony-Poll Skewers of America. Would you rather become a member by filling out some tedious form or just by reading this sentence? If the latter, welcome aboard, thou art hereby dubbed, certified and otherwise sword-clapped. (And guess what. We've doubled the organization's membership in the last minute alone! This kind of gyrating-out-of-control growth shows the crying need for what we're doing here.) (Read more...)
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August 25, 2003
War for Men's Minds
Why Taxes are Really a Bad Thing
by Tibor R. Machan
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This is one of my favorite topics because I like to tell it like it is even when so many fashionable folks think I am way off base. You've heard it before, I am sure - taxes are the price we pay for civilization. Bunk - that's a ruse someone who loved big government dearly tried to perpetrate and, yes, and one with which he managed to fool quite a lot of people. Millions still believe that taxes are necessary just to have a decent community. (Read more...)
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August 20, 2003
War for Men's Minds
Why Did the Transmission Lines We Weren't Allowed to Build Fail to Carry the Current?
by David M. Brown
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It is always a great mystery to those who regulate our lives why, when you prevent people from doing things, the things you prevented them from doing don't get done. (Read more...)
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August 14, 2003
War for Men's Minds
Taxpayer's Rights
by Russell Madden
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The folks in Spring Hill, Tennessee — a small town of about 12,000 residents located thirty miles south of Nashville — believe they have latched on to a good idea. The city leaders recently passed a "taxpayer bill of rights." (Read more...)
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July 23, 2003
War for Men's Minds
Wealth and Responsibility
by Russell Madden
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Guilt Trips and Tax-Collectors' Wet Dreams (Read more...)
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July 10, 2003
War for Men's Minds
Extinguishing the Flame
by Russell Madden
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Amazing what a difference two-and-a-quarter centuries makes. Amazing . . .
. . . and sad. (Read more...)

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July 1, 2003
War for Men's Minds
Socialism in Santa Fe
by Tibor R. Machan
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Santa Fe, New Mexico, is a very well known and fashionable desert town and, like its equivalent in California, Santa Barbara, largely in the hands of a bunch of meddlesome lefties. (Read more...)
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June 25, 2003
War for Men's Minds
Strikes and Guns for the State
by Russell Madden
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My wife and I recently returned from two-weeks in Paris. This visit was our first to the French capital. Before we crossed the Atlantic, we had somewhat anxiously read reports about government workers striking to protest proposed cuts in their pensions. (Read more...)
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June 24, 2003
War for Men's Minds
How Immigration Restrictions Violate the Rights of Citizens
by Adam Reed
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It is the natural human right of each individual citizen to deal with all other people, including non-citizens of his choice, as he will, provided only that these dealings respect the individual rights of all persons. It is not possible for governments to restrict the immigration of non-criminal persons without, in the process of doing so, carrying out obscene violations of the rights of their own citizens. (Read more...)
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June 10, 2003
War for Men's Minds
Legal Counterfeiting
by Russell Madden
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The government is concerned with counterfeit currency when the real issue is the counterfeit freedom they have been peddling to us for decades. (Read more...)
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June 3, 2003
War for Men's Minds
Is Libertarianism Evil?
by Joseph Rowlands
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How does one learn the concept of freedom? Joseph Rowlands explains that there are many roads you can follow. (Read more...)
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May 22, 2003
War for Men's Minds
SOLOC 2 Conference Summary
by Joseph Rowlands
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Testimonials, pictures, speakers list, etc. (Read more...)
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May 6, 2003
War for Men's Minds
Spreading Objectivism: Tips on Getting Published in Popular Media
by Chris Matthew Sciabarra
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I've always believed that Objectivist writers should work toward publishing in more and more popular venues. (Read more...)
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May 2, 2003
War for Men's Minds
Thinking on Your Feet
by Barry Kayton
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Barry Kayton gives us yet another lesson on how to destroy our enemies! (Read more...)
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May 1, 2003
War for Men's Minds
One Year of SoloHQ
by Jeff Landauer
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And SoloHQ keeps rolling on! (Read more...)
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April 25, 2003
War for Men's MindsThe Free Radical
Permanent Revolution: An Objectivist Nightmare
by Ian Cappelletti
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Leon Trotsky, born in 1879 to a rural Jewish family in the Ukraine, assumed a destiny saturated in political turmoil once he discovered Marxism at a young age. (Read more...)
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April 21, 2003
War for Men's Minds
Humor Against the State
by Russell Madden
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Humor is a tricky proposition. (Read more...)
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April 16, 2003
War for Men's Minds
A First Political Victory
by Adam Reed
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The first significant exception -- and the first electoral victory for a political party that campaigned simultaneously against the socialist welfare state and against religious coercion, for freedom of science and freedom of production and trade -- took place in the February election in Israel. (Read more...)
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